платья крролевы, в основном
"The inspiration for these gents came from the idea that they were miners of gold and had once been an integral part of the court scene, but had been marginalized to the forest, where they had become survivors, but with a little bit of stash here and there, and they still hid their treasure." -Colleen Atwood
"Creating this kind of texture and character work with an actress of Theron's stature and skill is a designer's dream!" - Colleen Atwood
"Ravenna's costumes were the most ornate pieces in the film, all of which contained animal bits. A wedding collar inspired by bones, a cape of raven feathers, a dress made from beetle wings from Thailand, and her final costume, made of metallic snake armor." - Colleen Atwood
Colleen Atwood's costumes for Snow White. From the Evil Queen to Snow White herself, they are all on display.
"I used jewelry designed by Cathy Waterman and an evolution of crowns which we made in-house." - Colleen Atwood
Texture inspiration for Snow White and the Huntsman
Snow White's Costume in Snow White and the Huntsman
источники. там костюмы Белоснежки и Охотника ; )
Snow White and the Huntsman Costume Designer Colleen Atwood
фильмография её включает Гаттаку и Сонную Лощину
спасибо Kur0i за наводку!
простите, что не по-русски.